Saturday, May 21, 2005

I'm taking time out from being irritated by Iraq to be irritated by the filibuster issue.
This was my letter to the editor of the Trib. I sent a copy to my senators too. It was probably too long. I've been told I get too wordy.

Republican senators are threatening once again to change the rules of the Senate to suit their political goals by envoking what they have dubbed the nuclear option. Eliminating the filibuster for judicial nominees would be a serious violation of democratic values. It is completely un-American and anti-democratic to stifle debate and dissent. It is an abuse of power to jettison a long standing Senate rule that has historically been defended by both parties. The Republicans are ruling as if they plan to be the party in power forever. I sincerely doubt that to be the case. The filibuster was designed to support minority rights, and prevents the tyranny of the majority. How ironic that Senator Frist claims it is a "formula for tyranny by the minority". The filibuster is used when a narrow majority supports actions that the minority finds deeply offensive, no matter the party. I find it disturbing that the Republican party wants to seize total control over all judicial nominations in an attempt to appoint judges who will roll back decades of progress in protecting worker's rights, the environment, and privacy. In addition, this battle the Republican party is waging in the media is hypocritical, especially in light of the fact that Democrats have attempted to block only 10 of the judges nominated by President Bush; only the worst of the worst. Two hundred and eight of President Bush's judicial nominees have been confirmed by the Senate. These same politicians who claim to be outraged by the filibuster, blocked over 60 of President Clinton's nominees. I find this to be further proof they want to eliminate this important Senate rule only to seize even more power and control. Think about what is happening to the checks and balances our founding fathers envisioned for our nation. I strongly urge all United States Senators to defend the long standing Senate filibuster rules and stop this un-American, anti-democratic attempt to seize absolute power over judicial nominations in order to advance the goals of one political party. Please protect the integrity of the Senate, freedom of speech and long standing American values by contacting your Senator immediately to oppose this blatant grab for power.


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