Sunday, June 05, 2005

We had our Code Pink rally today. Kind of a rally-lite. Not too many people there today, but we had one new person. The low turn-out would probably be more disheartening if we got a negative response from the public, but we don't so that's encouraging. Actually, we get tons of positive response. Sometimes people stop and join us for a little bit which is very cool. I think it's good to be out there and visible, but I really want to do something more concrete. I think that's why PDA and the California Clean Money campaign appeal to me.

CA Clean Money is campaign finance reform. It allows for public financing of elections. To get on the ballot a candidate has to collect a specific number of signatures AND five dollar donations. Then they agree to accept only public financing. There would be a mininum amount set, but if the opponant is doing traditional fund raising and starts trying to get ahead in contributions, the amount the publicly financed candidate goes up too. In other words, there's a disincentive to drive up the cost of the election because the more you raise, the more you raise for your opponant. That and the stigma attached to using private donations to push up the cost of a public election. Not very good election PR.

It's already working in other states and I'd like to see it happen here too. It not only frees the candidates and elected officials from fund raising, but frees them from being financially beholden to anyone.


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