Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hi there.

For a variety of reasons, Code Pink SD will be meeting at Balboa Park on the first Sunday of the month rather than on the first and third. Between a variety of other upcoming events, the fast approaching holidays, some vacation time, upcoming surgery and a little teeny bit of exhaustion we're scaling back on the vigil/rally thang. We might go back to it after the first of the year, depending on circumstances.

Plus, the point of the vigil was to bring attention to a war that people seemed to be ignoring, but I don't think people are ignoring it so much anymore. Maybe we can now spend more of our time and energy doing something different. It's under discussion.

Week after next C and I will be speaking to a class at SDSU, we're tentatively scheduled to do a voter registration/information table at the SD Indy Music Festival in November, we're planning a book event with Jody Evans, and we have a few other things we're mulling over.

We're not gone....just re-directing a bit.

I'll be out of town for the next week so don't hold your breath for any posts here for the next several days. I'd hate to see you turn blue.


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