Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm passing on some info from a friend (since that's part of what I do here!) There are two events coming up where some of the questions many people have about 9/11 will be discussed. It's been in the news a bit the last few days because of Charlie Sheen's comments on CNN, and the SDSU Forum on War and Peace, Progressive Democrats of America; San Diego Chapter, and Activist San Diego are sponsoring speakers, discussion and a showing of the documentary, 9/11-High Crimes and Conspiracy.


What REALLY happened on 9/11?

Two Major Events Raise Questions!

Tues, April 4, 2006 7PM

9/11 – What Happened and Why

Special guest speaker: Professor James Fetzer

James Fetzer, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, a former Marine Corps officer, author or editor of more than 20 books, andco-chair of Scholars for 911 Truth.

"We have made discoveries that suggest the wrong parties have been accused of monstrous crimes and that the American government knows better. A profound injustice is being perpetrated and the American people deserve to know."James Fetzer

San Diego State University North Education Building Room 60
5500 Campanile Dr. San Diego. Sponsored by SDSU Forum on War & Peace
For more info: 619-222-2120 or


Saturday April 8, 2006 7 PM

9/11 - High Crimes and Conspiracy - video documentary, followed by discussion.

Be prepared to question everything you knew about one of America's darkest days - Learn the reasons so many are questioning our government's explanation of the 9/11 attacks!
Joyce Beers Community Center 1220 Cleveland Ave @ Vermont St. (Ralph’s Hillcrest Shopping Center) - Donations accepted -
Sponsored by Activist San Diego & Progressive Democrats of America, SD Central Chapter. For more info: 619-222-2120 or
Networking for Social Justice


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