Saturday, June 10, 2006

Back to Greg Palast...

He's good. Entertaining and informative. As I told my hubby, Palast is really good at pointing out the intersections between greed, power and the War on Terror. Not to mention the role of the mainstream media.

He's kind of a cutie too, in a middle aged, intelligent, funny, fedora wearing sort of way. But I digress. . .

One of the things that I'm always glad to hear him talk about is the fact that the war in Iraq isn't really about getting the oil. It's more about control of the oil. Controlling large reserves gives us power to affect the market, through basic law of supply and demand. If we suppress oil production, the price goes up, and big freaking profits are made.

Not by me, of course. But I digress. . .

terryfaceplacce recommended reading: Armed Madhouse


Blogger Alicia Morgan said...

yeah he is!

6/14/2006 10:52:00 PM  

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