Friday, July 28, 2006

Yes on 89. Californians for Clean Elections

I was just looking at the website for the Prop 89 committee. Both Common Cause and The League of Women Voters have endorsed the initiative. Yay.

I'd just be in hog heaven if this passes in California this coming November, and I think it has a really good chance. It will cover all state-wide races. This is the best thing coming down the road
right now, and I truly believe it will make a difference.

The Ca Clean Money Campaign has a really good 14 minute video by Bill Moyers that explains how Clean Money reform works.

A glance at Arizona shows the effect this system has on democracy. The number of minority candidates tripled. The number of women candidates has increased every year since 1998. Voter turn out is UP 20%.

I was pretty jazzed when I was at Democracyfest because everyone was talking about election reform and clean money. I went to a "fusion" session that was put on by Root Camp, where we discussed how diverse groups can work together to build progressive coalitions. We got into groups to find a common interest where we could potentially work together. There were six of us in my group and four of us were working on clean money oriented campaigns and none of us were with the same group! I thought that was a pretty cool example of how when we just sat down and talked about our interests, how quickly we were able to come to a meeting of minds about what was important to each of us. We didn't even know one another thirty minutes earlier.

Fusion = Good idea


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