Sunday, September 24, 2006

Demand Peace in San Diego 9.25.06

From the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice mailing list:

The Campaign for a Declaration of Peace has called on Congress for a concrete and rapid plan for peace in Iraq by September 21,
yet the war continues. We call on people to take action, withdraw your consent from this war and support a comprehensive peace process!

JOIN US TO DEMAND PEACE AND SAY "NO MORE WAR! OUT OF IRAQ NOW!" with bannering, street theater and a march.

Monday, September 25, 2006 4-7 p.m. (this event will be continuous; comewhen you can!) Horton Plaza (downtown on Broadway between 3rd and 4th Streets)

Sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice. For more info: 619-263-9301. More info at

The Iraq War will end when people refuse to support it! WE DEMAND PEACE!


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