Monday, April 09, 2007

The PDA California April '07 Tour

Progressive Democrats of America is starting a tour of California....kind of a roundabout trek to the state Democratic Convention that will be held in San Diego April 27-29, 2007. Tomorrow (4/9) they'll be in Los Angeles to join Rev. Lennox Yearwood's Make Hip Hop Not War National Tour.

It looks to me like PDA is planning on having a major presence at the convention. Good! I'll be there and I'm looking forward to it!

The night before the convention begins (4/26) there will be a PDA Metro San Diego Meeting -
Pot luck with Medea Benjamin, CODE PINK and PDA Advisory Board member; Norman Solomon, author; Jeff Cohen, author, PDA Communications Consultant and Advisory Board Member; Tim Carpenter, PDA Executive Director; and Steve Cobble, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and PDA Board member.

Stay tuned for further details....

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