Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oh, chickenbutt!

This story from Laura Lorson on All Things Considered is very funny, and kinda reminds me of home.

I spent a lot of time with Gran and Nunna when I was a child — I never in my life had a babysitter I was not related to — and their frankly deplorable language, for many years, was something I considered to be our little secret. I was convinced that if my mother learned that Gran and Nunna regularly had profane, obscene verbal pyrotechnics over which was better, chocolate or vanilla, I wouldn't get to go back. Which brings us up to the time, when I was maybe 8 or 9, when the jig was most assuredly and completely up.

Well, not home exactly, but it reminds me of time spent with my ever-bickering, and sometimes shocking, grandparents.


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