Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Night Homeowner Blogging

or How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

I think this might be why my son said, "it's no fun when you take a vacation."


I found this cabinet but it was very beat up, so I badgered my husband into sanding it while I painted the aforementioned kitchen, and I slathered black paint on it. I think it looks kind of nifty now, if I do say so myself.

And since I had the paint stuff out anyway, I painted a $14.95 wooden table and through my creative prowess, it now looks like a fabulous $24.95 table! Woo!

Tomorrow, on to the living room. It's primed and ready for paint. This house was a fixer upper (understatement), and we had to hang new drywall everywhere. We primed it yesterday, this was my project today, and tomorrow we paint the living room and rehang all the curtains. Whew. I'm going to have to go back to work to get some rest.

btw, the wall with the arch used to be made of cheap paneling and large, colonial style wooden spindles that were mind bogglingly ugly. We built the divider to replace it and it's an enormous improvement.


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