Saturday, July 21, 2007

What a busy day

Here are some photos from my busy day. My first stop was the It's Our Healthcare booth at the San Diego LGBT Pride festival.

Yes, that's me. Please note I'd just taken a very long walk because I was too impatient to wait for the bus to take me up the hill from the trolley station. It wreaked havoc on my 'do.

This is Richard Barrera from SEIU. The background obviously isn't from the It's Our Healthcare booth. Those were our neighbors. Nice neighbors, eh?

These two lovely people are Jeffery and Camilla at the It's Our Healthcare booth.

While working the booth we asked people to write down a few sentences about their problems and worries about the current healthcare system, and then we attached a Polaroid photo of them to the story. That way every story collected has a face. They all get sent to our representatives in Sacramento, to show them the California faces that want and need healthcare reform now.

When I finished there I strolled across the street to the San Diego Democratic Club booth where I registered voters with other San Diego Democratic Party and Democratic Club volunteers.
This last photo is of Jack and Agnes. I swear these two alone have probably registered half of San Diego's Democratic voter. I see them everywhere.
I personally registered 7 (count 'em, seven) new voters. We were pretty darn busy, and I'm curious about the final total. The Pride festival is one of the best voter registration efforts every year.

The Democratic Club booth had a few guests. Marty Block was there registering voters. He is currently the President of the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Community College District and he's running for the California State Assembly in the 78th District. Todd Gloria also came by for a while. He's running for San Diego City Council in the 3rd District. And speaking of Todd Gloria, he recently launched his campaign blog, and it's really nicely done.

Congresswoman Susan Davis stopped by too, but she zipped in and zipped out. I didn't even have a chance to say boo...or anything else.

So that's it for today! Tune in again tomorrow!

I'm going to go put my feet up now.

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Blogger nunya said...


You probably spied my kid at some point and time during the day. Got quite the sunburn that day, even with sunscreen on.

7/25/2007 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger Terry said...

I got a bit of sunburn myself that day. It was warm out there.

7/26/2007 07:13:00 PM  

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