Saturday, August 04, 2007

California SOS orders increased security in voting machines

On Friday August 3, 2007 CA Secretary of State Debra Bowen decertified and then recertified some of the electronic voting machines in California. The recertifications come with conditions requiring improvements in security, and requires DRE systems provide a paper ballot. It also limits the number of DREs at a polling place, completely decertifies systems that refused to cooperate with her review (ES&S), and requires a HAND COUNT of ballots generated by Sequoia and Diebold systems.

Most excellent. It does my heart good to know that some people really truly keep their campaign pledges. California's Secretary of State Debra Bowen, was elected by the people of California to investigate the voting systems and that's precisely what she's doing. Vendors and County Registrars can holler all they want (because we already know they're on the same side of this issue), but Bowen's review is NOT causing distrust of the system. The vendors and registrars had already done a bang up job of showing the public that transparency, accuracy and integrity in our elections are not their primary goals. That is OUR goal as voters and citizens, so hip hip hoorey for Bowen for standing up to what is sure to become a firestorm against her by people who want money and power at the expense of the people's vote.

There are still some big issues to address. The "sleepovers" that render voting equipment insecure, the software being allowed to come from the "federal labs" which are really neither federal nor labs, and we need to do more work on allowing transparency at the local level. But that said, woo and hoo....Bowen gave us ten giant steps in the right directions.

Give her your thanks and keep giving her support. She's doing what we elected her to do, and she's going to take a a lot of political and MSM hits on this. Now would be a great time to write a letter to the editor hailing Bowen's decision to support democractic values!

More info at Bradblog
Documents regarding the Top to Bottom Review
LA Times: "State decides to secure electronic voting machines".

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