Calitics Q3 BlogRaiser in San Diego, Sept 19
From Lucas O'Connor at Calitics:
So c'mon! It'll be fun! Here's a chance for grassroots activists, candidates, local officials and bloggers to informally meet to socialize, network, and to support the California netroots.
The way I see it, good things will happen when grassroots and netroots activists who often work in parallel, cross paths and work cooperatively for progressive Democratic electoral victories. So come on down to the Firehouse Restaurant on Wednesday Sept 19 at 7:00 pm and say hello. I hope to see you there.
Please join us on September 19th for the first-of-its-kind Quarterly Fundraiser as Democrats from across the San Diego area come together to celebrate Democratic victories throughout the state of California and build momentum towards future success.
Benefiting the state and federal Calitics PACs, the evening will be a unique opportunity to bring together activists, candidates and elected officials to share drinks and exchange ideas about building an even stronger Democratic Party for California.
Just steps from the ocean at the Firehouse American Eatery and Lounge in Pacific Beach, we look forward to an evening of committed Democrats of all sorts laying the groundwork for greater innovation and cooperation as we look forward to the elections of 2008. is dedicated to building a progressive online community that provides all Californians an opportunity to discuss the issues facing the state and a platform for state and local candidates to interact with activists from their district and throughout the state. Founded in 2005, it is now run by a five-person editorial board representing San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego and sees more than 25,000 total page hits each week. Calitics has been an innovator in online fundraising at the state level and is excited to be expanding its projects for the 2008 election cycle.
Money raised for the Calitics state and federal PACs will be used to support strong Democratic candidates throughout the state and the work of the Calitics editors. Examples in the past have included coverage of the YearlyKos Convention and nationally recognized reporting from the California Democratic Convention.
Suggested donation is $10-$20 and may be made to either Calitics PAC in advance or at the event via the Calitics ActBlue page.
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Firehouse American Eatery and Lounge, 722 Grand Avenue (map)
Please e-mail to RSVP or with any questions about the event.
So c'mon! It'll be fun! Here's a chance for grassroots activists, candidates, local officials and bloggers to informally meet to socialize, network, and to support the California netroots.
The way I see it, good things will happen when grassroots and netroots activists who often work in parallel, cross paths and work cooperatively for progressive Democratic electoral victories. So come on down to the Firehouse Restaurant on Wednesday Sept 19 at 7:00 pm and say hello. I hope to see you there.
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