Monday, August 27, 2007

Pics from today's rally

Here are a few photos, videos and news blips about today's rally at San Diego's KLSD radion.

KUSI - Dozens Rally to Save Radio Station. Unfortunately the people at KUSI can't judge crowds very well. Over the course of the two hours, there were certainly more than "dozens". More like a few hundred. KLSD is saying 300-400. That sounds more realistic than dozens. That's all I've seen on the news though. They overwhelmingly chose to not cover a story that mobilized all these people to get out there at 7:30 this morning, and generated 900 emails to the station in four days.

Lucky for you, you've got me! ;-)

You can see the crowd in some of the other pictures and video.

by Carl Manaster.

This link is to a set of pictures on KLSD's web page.

Here's a very short video too.

Miriam Raftery's excellent post at Brad Blog.

And as always, Peter provides photos.

A few other tidbits: Jon Elliott (The Most Dangerous Liberal in America) MC'd the rally. First, civil rights attorney and author Marjorie Cohn spoke to the crowd. Then Jon read letters from a broad spectrum of supporters including La Mesa Mayor Art Madrid, Senator Mike Gravel, Ambassador Joe Wilson, Aldous Tyler of NonStop Radio, and Jim Dean from Democracy for America. After the event, they also received letters of support from Senator Bernie Sanders and Bob Borosage from Campaign for America's Future.

Stay tuned to see what's next.



Blogger AlanF said...

Nice pix!

8/29/2007 06:54:00 AM  

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